by Dana J | Sep 17, 2014 | Reviews
I started taking a new multivitamin after coming home from BlogHer in July. It’s the Kind Organics Women’s Once Daily created by Garden of Life. I’ve read about Alicia Silverstone’s Kind Diet in the past. In fact, I have her book The Kind Diet....
by Dana J | Jul 2, 2014 | Fitness
Last week, prior to the Fitbloggin’ conference, I was nervous. I signed up to attend without knowing anyone. I drove to Savannah alone. I didn’t know what to expect at all. By Friday morning, my nerves calmed dramatically and I was really enjoying myself....
by Dana J | Feb 26, 2014 | Fitness
I signed up for Tough Mudder this week with my coworkers! We are getting team shirts and everything. It got me thinking about what races I will be participating in this year. I definitely want to do the Peachtree Road Race again. But beyond that, I’m looking at...
by Dana J | Feb 19, 2014 | Reviews
Happy National Drink Wine Day 😉 In celebration, I’m sharing a review of Spodee Wine. Have you heard of it? Spodee comes in a milk bottle and dates back to the Depression era hooch with homemade country wines, spiked with backwoods liquor and garden herbs....
by Dana J | Feb 17, 2014 | Fitness
Any House of Cards fans out there? I need someone to talk the season over with and I don’t want to spoil it yet for people who haven’t seen it yet. But just the first episode had me thrown for a loop. I wasn’t expecting that at all. Frank and Claire...
by Dana J | Feb 10, 2014 | Fitness, Life & More
Two days after joining Tinder, I had my very first date from the app. It happened really fast. I suggested a place, he threw out a time and soon after we were setup to go out. I selected St. Cecilia’s in Buckhead because I noticed that it had just opened a few...