H is for Hillary

H is for Hillary

When thinking on what I could write about for H, the first light bulb that went off in my head was Hillary. And when I thought Hillary, this is the one that came to mind: (from this cool Fresh Prince Tumblr) That’s right. Hilary Banks. The pretentious big sister...
G is for GetGlue

G is for GetGlue

Ah, the letter G. It can represent so much. For those that know me well, Green could be a great option for the letter G. I wear green alot and I even have a green bedroom and comforter. I didn’t want my post to talk about GREEN. But I do have a cool green board...
The A to Z Challenge: A is for AOL

The A to Z Challenge: A is for AOL

Lately, I’ve been thinking about the direction I want my blog to go in. It’s not too late to do that. I’ve narrowed down what I definitely don’t want to be, and I’ve narrowed it down to 3 specific things I want to talk about: marketing,...
Manteresting: the Pinterest for Men

Manteresting: the Pinterest for Men

Through my job at FiPath, I’ve learned about a totally different side of the blog world. Before I started working there in September, I only knew about the “Lifestyle/Fitness/Food/Leadership/Daily Life” style of blogging. Probably because those are...
Cover Photos and Playboy

Cover Photos and Playboy

Recently, I talked about how the new Facebook profiles were now here. One of the most prominent changes is the Cover. It’s where you let people know all about you. The Cover is public to EVERYONE! So be careful what type of image you select. I have followed...