Last week Verizon Wireless sent me a new phone!
It’s the HTC Windows 8 phone with Beats By Dre integration. I have been playing with my phone and learning new things over the last few days. Expect to learn more about the phone from me in the next few weeks. I took it to a surprise party with friends on Sunday night.
At the party, I worked on my photography skills and tried to learn more about my new Windows phone. I also took a non-scientific survey of everyone’s phone in the room. Everyone had an iPhone and one person had a Samsung Galaxy Note. Thinking about it, I couldn’t help but wonder:
Do you buy the phone that’s popular or the one that fits you best? Do you want to be the first to try something new or the last to follow the trend?
I didn’t expect anyone to have the HTC Windows 8 phone yet since it just came out in September. But, I was shocked that everyone had an iPhone. Not one Galaxy SIII or Droid phone. I know, I know iPhones have been out for years and it has a leg up on new phones coming out. Again, let me emphasize that this was a non scientific poll of about 15 people. Since becoming a Verizon Ambassador and trying other devices my eyes are open to the fact that there are so many great phones out there if you just test them out.
The question is: Do you want to be a trend follower or a trend setter?
I think the allure to the iPhone is only partially because “that’s what everyone else has”. The other part is that (for the longest), the iPhone just worked.
Just a year or two ago, Android was new and all over the place, BlackBerry was on it’s way out the door, and nobody even knew Microsoft was making smartphones. The only device that was solid was the iPhone.
Fast forward to today, Android OS is way more stable and getting some serious hardware, Microsoft is putting a ton of marketing behind Windows Phone 8, and BlackBerry is, well…
Add that with the fact that the last two iPhones weren’t “supercalafragalistic” like they normally are (and your Momma now wants or has an iPhone) and people are now starting to try new things.
Sure, most people want what everybody else has, which is still the iPhone, but for a while, there was only one clear choice. Now, since there are several viable options, and your Momma wants (or has) and iPhone, people are starting to venture out.
I am a features gal. I over research phones in my husband’s opinion. I love having something that fits my needs. I only got the iPhone in 2009 because my hubby (bf at the time) suggested I get it to take to Europe with me to serve as my on the go camera. Sorry I didn’t listen to the on the go camera part (My flip cam sd card died with 2 + weeks of footage on it). I love my s3. I think it’s one of the best phones that I have owned thus far. Can’t wait to hear more about the Windows phones though!
I go with the device that works best for me. Since I run so much of my life with Google, I’m a dedicated Android user. I’ve had Windows phones in the past, and they did actually do well for me…until I fell in love with Google Apps. I never even considered an iPhone. (That last is because of a clear bias on my part.) 🙂