Gold Glitter and Butterflies
Any House of Cards fans out there? I need someone to talk the season over with and I don't want to spoil it yet for people who haven't seen it yet. But just the first episode had me thrown for a loop. I wasn't expecting that at all. Frank and Claire are too much. So...
Totally in the Present
Two days after joining Tinder, I had my very first date from the app. It happened really fast. I suggested a place, he threw out a time and soon after we were setup to go out. I selected St. Cecilia's in Buckhead because I noticed that it had just opened a few days...
Twelve Hour Days
Sometimes I wonder how people are able to do it all. Seriously! I started doing a new thing last week. I decided to focus on a word for the week. Last week the word I chose was intention. I wanted to make sure that my actions were focused on certain outcomes and not...
Over the holidays, I fell guilty to overindulging. I kept saying: "I'll get back on track January 1st." All of the promises that we tell ourselves constantly. "I'll start tomorrow." And etc. Have you ever noticed how easy it is to say that? As a matter of fact, have...
Race Recap: Atlanta Esprit de She
This week, Esprit de She came to Atlanta. The race happened in midtown at Piedmont Park. I appreciated being able to check in on site then walk right over to the start line. We started the race a little after 7pm on 10th Street. Half of the street was closed because...
The Last Stretch
I'm entering the last stretch of miles for the 100 by Halloween challenge. I'm at 84 miles as of today. I've been doing workouts before work at 5, which I really enjoy. This morning, getting up hasn't been to hard because the weather has been nice. Last week we had a...
35 Miles In
I know I mentioned it before, but I'm participating in the 100 by Halloween Challenge with the Tone It Up team. As of today, I'm 35 miles in. I lost a little bit of traction during the week of Blogalicious, but I should be back on track with my goal and I hope to...
Back To Me
I have been working on 10k training for 2 weeks now. In the first week, I noticed my energy levels were just not what they normally are. I usually have no trouble waking up early in the morning energized and motivated. I would even workout at 5 am and post blog...
Energy Boost
Lately, I've been struggling with keeping my energy up. So, over the last month I've been focusing on taking my vitamins, going to bed at a reasonable hour and working out regularly. With impeccable timing, I received an email from Vega about testing their new...
Bad Habits
I did my second Peachtree Road Race on the 4th of July. The race felt good at the beginning. Then...we hit cardiac hill and I felt like I was going to pass out! I realized: 1. I didn't hydrate properly 2. My knee hurt and I needed to walk 🙁 which made me finish 5...
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