Over the holiday break we had some not so great weather here. Rainy days were good for me! I had lots of time to work on a few new projects and get a great jump start on the new year. I also took some time to watch a new show.
I don’t have HBO, but I’m a huge fan of getting my shows on DVD. I like DVD sets because I can watch the shows I like all at once. I found Girls on sale at Target and decided to give it a chance. About 5 minutes into the pilot episode I couldn’t help but feel like I could relate to the ladies on this show. They are twenty-somethings working, dating and dealing with the same sort of things I am at this time in my life. I also found Lena Dunham funny and creative as the show creator, lead actress and writer. Of course, there were some things about the show that made me cringe and that I didn’t like altogether (overall lack of diversity). Still, I’d highly recommend watching the show. It’s pretty good. If you like Sex and the City and Dawson’s Creek you will appreciate this show for it’s more authentic look at living life in the city and millennial relationships. Sex and the City is more “fantasy” in my opinion.
Since Season 2 of Girls premieres on January 13th lots of marketing tie-ins are happening. One of my favorites happens to be the free rent for a year tie-in with Urban Outfitters. Very appropriate since one of the characters struggles with paying her rent.
If you are interested in winning free rent for a year? Click here for the details.
I remember my very first cell phone ever. The Nokia 6110:
It didn’t have any fancy bells and whistles. I used it to play snake and talk on the phone. That was 4-5 phones ago. Now phones are mini computers. I miss the days where I actually enjoyed just having a conversation on the phone with someone and not caring about texting or emailing or listening to music.
Do you ever miss those days?
The Windows 8 phone has lots of bells and whistles and I promise, I’ll talk about them all. Lately, I’ve been enjoying my long conversations. Holding the phone doesn’t cramp my hands, and the speaker phone works great.
I also have enjoyed changing the accent color based on my mood. Today, I’m feeling sunny 🙂
I too had the Nokia phone… those were the good old days! 🙂 I have to check out Girls, you are the 3rd person that’s spoke well about it