When thinking on what I could write about for H, the first light bulb that went off in my head was Hillary. And when I thought Hillary, this is the one that came to mind:

(from this cool Fresh Prince Tumblr)

That’s right. Hilary Banks. The pretentious big sister of Carlton Banks and older cousin of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. I miss that show. It was funny, with a talented cast. It was one of the best shows ever! And I really liked Hilary’s character. Beyond the spoiled side, she was pretty considerate and funny. But anyway, a hot topic in the social media sphere this week is a different Hilary. (Alas, Hillary can be spelled so many different ways I’ve learned: Hilary, Hillary, Hillari, Hillarie customization makes the name more unique I guess just like my name can be spelled different ways too Dayna, Danna, Daina and on and on and on…) 😉

The Hillary everyone is talking about this week just happens to be this one:


Not as fun right? But wait, after what she did this week, I’d say Hillary Clinton is much cooler than I ever imagined. Started on April 4, 2012, textsfromhillaryclinton.tumblr.com officially died today. Only a week after coming out. I say it died today simply because it’s creators are done with it. I would be done with it too if Hillary actually sent me a message!

[blackbirdpie id=”189764573274976257″]

The creators even got to meet her! How cool. I think it’s great that she has such a wonderful sense of humor about the site. Also, the creators Adam Smith and Stacy Lambe are funny for putting together 32 great posts featuring texts to and from Hillary and others like Mark Zuckerberg, Anna Wintour and the POTUS and VP. Check out textsfromhillary!