If you have been watching March Madness, it’s hard to ignore the commercials for the newest Infiniti vehicle, the 2013 JX crossover SUV. (Also known as CUV). The new car is in a tough category competing with top sellers like the Lexus RX350 and Acura MDX. To help the car reach number one status, Infiniti is working with Cirque du Soleil to bring a spectacular free presentation featuring the new car today. At 12pm today, you can watch a free livestream of a short Cirque du Soleil show featuring the JX! The live stream is viewable today at 12pm on Facebook.com/Infiniti and Facebook.com/CirqueduSoleil. During the livestream, a representative from both Cirque and Infiniti will be on hand to answer questions. I’m excited to see  how the car will be incorporated into the show. I’ve been to one Cirque performance of Ovo when it came to Atlanta. I also really want to check out the Michael Jackson Immortal show. You can watch behind the scenes footage now: http://youtu.be/DJ8hJXhSxjI.

An Infiniti JX backstage of Le Voyage Inspire


Do you plan to watch the show?