A very cool marketing campaign I spotted while doing some research on small SUVs a while ago was the Honda CR-V Leap List campaign. Take a good hard look at this:
(from Honda)
When I look at this, I feel like it’s about me making a leap list and not so much about the car. In fact, when I think about the Honda CR-V, I think about this cool campaign and not so much the car. That’s not wrong though. At least I remember the Honda CR-V when I think about cars. It’s all because of the ad. I like how the ad has the “See the CR-V” button underneath the car. It’s not about the car even though the ad is for the car. I like that.
Using Facebook, anyone can login and create their own Leap List. Plus you can see what the top items are on other users lists. I like the community they have built and how you can share your list with supportive strangers. It’s a marketing campaign that focuses on something universal that we all do on our own, but can share with others while we are on our journey. That’s what a great marketing campaign is about.
Things this post was almost about
As each letter passes, I occasionally have multiple ideas for the letters. Then I have to ask myself, How can I come up with anything to write about that? The honest answer I tell myself is, it’s not going to happen. Thus, the awesome ideas are shelved. So, I’d like to share my cool ideas that I can’t come up with a post to write about too. Today’s alternate topic was going to be about Beck’s song “Loser”. Why? Because it starts with L and it’s a cool song.
Stopping in from the A to Z Challenge to say hello! I’m a big Beck fan. Loser is a song that will be played for many years to come. Classic.
Hi Stephen! Thanks for stopping by. I love Loser. That’s how I became a Beck fan.