Yesterday I attended my first marathon movie showing! I went to Atlantic Station with a group of friends to watch a “Dark Knight Rises” marathon. That means we watched Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, and The Dark Knight Rises! I had one person ask me if we watched every Batman film ever, so I have to clarify :). If we watched every film ever we would be there way longer. Three movies was long in itself, I can’t imagine watching many more than that. I’m not going to do a review because I know so many folks out there are going to see the film. What I will say is that I enjoyed the film for several reasons:
– All three films had a start and a finish from beginning to the end. Watching them all back to back helped recognize this. I haven’t done my research, but I wonder if the films were conceptualized at the same time.
– Anne Hathaway was stylish as Catwoman. I thought she did a great job as Catwoman. Her costume was much better than Halle Berry’s in the 2004 movie. The writing in this movie was way better too 😉
– Bane was great. His voice was powerful but hard to understand. I was a little disappointed by that.
– I was happy Cillian Murphy appeared in the film. He does a great job at playing the “scary villain”
– I enjoyed seeing them all at once. Next time I will take a neck pillow and wear pajama pants to be more comfortable.
I WON my tickets to the show, pop corn and parking from Atlantic Station via Twitter. Huge thanks to them! We had a great time.