Sometimes I wonder how people are able to do it all. Seriously! I started doing a new thing last week. I decided to focus on a word for the week. Last week the word I chose was intention. I wanted to make sure that my actions were focused on certain outcomes and not wasted efforts. It was a success because I got all of my workouts in and accomplished everything on my to-do list. I noticed that for me, I work best with a schedule and when Saturday hits, sticking to that schedule is challenging. The weekend is supposed to be relaxing, but not make me forget my goals. I’ll get better though. Getting all of my workout goals in this week will be a bit of a challenge because we are having sales meetings at work every single day from breakfast through dinner as a team. So, it will be difficult to get up early or find motivation after dinner, but I’m not going to give up hope trying. Here’s my workout schedule for this week.

Sunday: Four mile run and stretch

Monday: Rest

Tuesday: Arms and Abs (from Tone It Up)

Wednesday: HIIT

Thursday: Morning Yoga and foam rolling

Friday: Rest

Saturday: Run (probably intervals, but not sure yet)

Since Valentine’s Day is coming up, I made this playlist specifically for all the Single Ladies 😉 I ran with it on Sunday. Enjoy: