Well, football season is over and done. Did your favorite team win last night?
One of my favorite moments: The Jacoby Jones victory dance
What dance is he doing exactly? An original? The robot? I couldn’t tell, but it was pretty fantastic.
I wish I had a gif for Arthur Jones post sack dance. I couldn’t find one though 🙁 The Ravens played a great game in my opinion. I thought about doing a recap of my favorite commercials like one I did in the past here. It’s at the bottom of the post. Honestly, I thought the best commercial of all last night was for Beyonce.
Image from Pop Sugar
Over the last few months, the buzz has been all about Queen B. I think her team has done an excellent job of getting people excited about her upcoming world tour! I have all 4 of Beyonce’s solo albums. Her 1st and last albums (Dangerously in Love and 4) are my favorites!
My Top Super Bowl Commercials (not really in order ;)). Watch them here:
1. Amy Poehler for Best Buy
2. M&Ms Love Ballad
3. Taco Bell Live Mas
4. Doritos Fashionista Dad
5. Calvin Klein Underwear
6. Century 21: The Wedding
7. Toyota Rav4 Genie
8. Budweiser Clydesdale
9. Skechers Designed for Speed
10. Doritos Goat
One of the coolest things that happened last night occurred on Twitter. Oreo jumped on the fact that the lights went out with a clever tweet and photo that generated lots of buzz. At this time, the post has over 15k retweets.
[blackbirdpie url=”https://twitter.com/Oreo/status/298246571718483968″]
Oreo and Beyonce both win the Super Bowl 🙂 What was your favorite commercial from last night?